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What is the Circular Economy again?

The Circular Economy is a framework for an economy that is restorative and regenerative by design. Our current industrial model relies mainly on a linear "take, make, dispose" model. By contrast, a Circular Economy designs out waste, keeps materials and products in use for the longest time at the highest value, and regenerates natural systems. If you are not familiar with the concept, I recommend you check out the wealth of resources put together by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

If renewable energy is a fundamental pillar of the Circular Economy, why are there no clean energy companies in the directory ?

Indeed, the Circular Economy is underpinned by a transition to renewable energy sources. I feel that especially in the wake of the Climate Crisis, there is already a wide coverage of innovation and investments into low-carbon energy systems. Circular Directory aims to close the gap in coverage and public awareness about companies that curb consumption-based GHG-emissions and prevent the degradation of our natural ecosystem by adopting circular principles.

How were the five "Circular Principles" established ?

The Circular Economy has a vast field of applications, and there are so many ways a company can be more circular! In an attempt to categorise the directory, I decided to follow the business models categorisation established by the OECD in their 2019 Report.

Why focus on startups and SMEs ?

There are luckily many corporations, public institutions, and other organisations also advancing the Circular Economy. Because smaller players may not have the same PR and outreach resources, I wanted to dedicate this directory to shining the spotlight on them. The focus is on startups and SMEs, for now. If you are interested in collaborating to grow the directory to include other ecosystem players, please reach out.

Most companies in the directory are from Europe or North America. Why don't you list more companies from other regions ?

Unfortunately, I am subject to location & language biases, but doing my best to source companies from all around the world. Please contribute by submitting companies you know to the directory, or feel free to reach out and share some regional resources I should look at.

Who is behind Circular Directory ?

Glad you ask. See About section.

Anything else ?

Please reach out! :)

Who is behind Circular Directory ?

๐Ÿ‘‹ Hi, I'm Lucie.After close to a decade in operational & community building roles bringing together startups, corporates and academia, I now consult entrepreneurs on the endeavour I am most passionate about: embedding sustainability & circular design principles in their business strategy.Because I keep an active eye on young and innovative companies advancing the circular economy - call it market watch - I thought I might as well turn my research into a resource I can share with the world.This is a project I do on the side, for fun and hoping it is useful to some. If you have any suggestion on how to improve or grow it further, or wish to collaborate in any way, please feel free to reach out.โฌ… Back to the home page

If you have any questions or remarks, please feel free to reach out.

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